Official Amiga Report Distribution Site
                            * Running AXShell *
                            Robert Niles, Sysop
                509-966-3828  Supra V.32bis  24hrs - 7 days
                            Yakima, Washington

                          ******* Notice *******

After 13 September 1993, In The MeanTime will no longer be on FidoNet, thus
we will no longer be accepting File REQuests (FREQs). We WILL be still 
accepting calls and will have the latest edition of Amiga Report online.
Downloads to first time callers are still accepted. For the west coast 
call  Cloud's Corner to FREQ the latest edition of Amiga Report.

Those who call for the latest edition of Amiga Report, and who do not with
to establish an account, log in as guest with the password of "guest".
At the prompt type "ARMAG" (without the quotes).

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